Tell me if this is anything like your perfect day, because
it is really close to mine.
Wake up slowly listening to Morning Edition on NPR. In theory
I caught up on the news, but I didn’t really hear any of it.
Finally got out of bed, listened to Bloomberg Law while
eating my cereal and juice, wrote a blog post and a page of my book.
Volunteered at the food pantry. They assigned me today to dry goods inventory
so we know what we need to ask donors for to round out what we have to offer
the clients that come in.
Met at a Guatemalan restaurant over coffee and pupusas with
a client who wanted some UX career advice.
My introductory package is two hours of advice in exchange for lunch. When her two hours ran out, we extended it across
the street with craft beer, appetizers, and football on TV. I’ll never get rich with those kinds of
consulting fees, but it was an intellectually stimulating day and I think I
helped her out a lot.
Then home to type up the blog post, book notes, this
summary, and half-dinner. Then pick up a
few things at Shaw’s to have the second half of dinner and probably a dessert
of cognac, cheese and nuts, biscotti, and depending on the Patriots game score,
maybe a little more football before bedtime (they are the night game this weekend).
I don’t know about you, but this is my perfect day.