I got one very critical comment on my Monday post on Evolutionary Design via Linked In. He
apparently doesn’t believe in the whole concept. Evolution might have taught us to seek food,
but not mates or tribes. Luckily, the
next commenter came to me defense. Boy
do I love social media !!
On Tuesday, I of course promoted the Future Visions Panel
next week at the HFES Conference and UX Day in general. I hope many of you plan to be there. It should be a great conference and a great
Creativity is one of my favorite topics, so Wednesday’s post
was fun to write and the source article was even more fun to read. I think there is a lot of good insight into
what creativity is here, so recommended reading for sure.
Then I closed the week out with a games/training/gender/biascombo. Any two of these topics would be
the source of many blog topics, so putting all four together was an interesting
exercise. Let me know what you think of